Saturday, January 23, 2016

Writers4Higher features author Deborah A. Allen

Hi, Deborah. Welcome to Writers4Higher.

1.    Tell me about yourself. Your book(s), your life, your inspiration.
I think I came into this world with my imagination fully in gear.  Upon arrival, I found two great sources of inspiration.  My parents were both born story-tellers, though they’d deny it.  Mom spun tales of fantasy and realism, cleverly intertwined, to entertain me.  Dad was a natural raconteur.  His fact-based stories and narrations kept us all on the edges of our seats, even though we’d heard the tales a hundred times.
As a youngster, I attended a “STEM” school (before anyone called it STEM) and unbelievably, this math ignoramus and science neophyte landed in the classrooms of many teachers who were gifted, not in science and math, but in the written word.  I think it was fate.
My books grew out of this background.  Most of my writing is realistic, with an occasional twist of fantasy.  I write from my own experiences, my own dreams, and my own imagination.  I write for both kids and adults because, at heart, we are interchangeable.

2.    Where do you see your writing taking you in the future?
Honestly, it doesn’t really matter because, to be trite, the journey is the thing.  I’m simply enjoying the exploration and discovery part.  (On second thought, maybe the STEM thing did kick in.)  If I get brave, I would like to explore different genres, but I have lots of stories already stacked in my virtual “to-do” basket.  Sometimes, I even think about quitting and just becoming a reader.  So far, that hasn’t worked out.

3.    How do you use your talents/time to help others?
I taught elementary school for nearly a quarter century and my favorite time of the school day was when I got to (yes, got to) read aloud to the kids.  As one of my education professors once said, “I loved teaching literature.  I figured they’d get math from some other teacher.”  If given a choice, I would have read aloud to those kids all day.  (Okay, some days I suppose I almost did.)  I like to think that my enthusiasm for a good story hooked at least some of them into a love of reading and the development of their own imaginations.  If I only reached one, that’s not such a bad legacy.

Would you like to find Deborah Allen?

Thank you, Deborah. I wish you the very best!

Rhett DeVane
southern fiction author and blogmaster

1 comment:

  1. Great blog on Deborah! Best wishes Deborah on your books. I love the cover of the "The Swinging Door"


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