Sunday, April 19, 2015

Writers4Higher takes a new direction...whoot!

Well now. I've taken a little break from the blog and it's time to put on my running shoes and head out.

The Writers4Higher blog is my way of giving back, of highlighting some mighty fine literary folks.

Up until this point, I have focused on authors. But what about all of the other hard-working people in this field? Yep, they deserve recognition, too.

So tune in. In addition to more talented author types, you shall be introduced to editors, designers, and marketing people. If I can tie down a muse long enough to ask a few questions, maybe even one of those wispy types.

It is true; we never do anything alone. Without the aid of other experts, a writer is just someone else yammering in a vacuum.

My best to all of you, and thanks for reading the Writers4Higher blog.

Blogmaster and Southern fiction author 

Rhett DeVane

1 comment:

Deep Thoughts, Bruises and All. First of all, Happy Holidays . No matter your outlook or what you celebrate, I wish you renewed ...